30 July 2011

Heritage Festival Day One - Large Success

The first day of the Edmonton Heritage Festival is now done! 

The popular German Pavilion!

The organizers of the German Pavilion, as always the German-Canadian Association of Alberta led by president Heinz Kleist, have been working hard to get ready for this annual opportunity to highlight German food and culture, and at last it is upon us.  The German Pavilion is at site #23 (near the park entrance), and continues Sunday and Monday (31 July and 1 August 2011) at William Hawrelak Park.
The day was a beautiful one, and despite competition from the Edmonton Capital Ex and Taste of Edmonton events, Saturday was well-attended!  The many volunteers today has a lot of fun grilling sausages, stirring sauerkraut and serving our visitors! The Brabec duo from Calgary provided excellent accordion music throughout the day. Thanks to all our volunteers, and a shout out to Franz Friesacher who celebrated his birthday while volunteering! 

Please tell all your friends and make your way to the German Pavilion on Sunday or Monday!

Here are some photos.  More pictures here!

President Heinz Kleist removing the empty sauerkraut containers.
Some of the volunteer men on duty!
The Brabec duo entertaining the audience!

The lovely volunteer ladies!
A toast to volunteer Franz Friesacher on his birthday!
Franz, Uwe and Heinz take a well-deserved break!
Susan and Shelly wearing the German flag in style!
Blauen Funken General Uwe Welz is always ready to pose for a photo with eager visitors to the German Pavilion!
Loretta and Franz behind the grill!
Alexandria, Frank and Loretta trying some chocolate-dipped banana (from the neighboring Peru tent... these are NOT chocolate-dipped bratwurst!).
More pictures here!

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