30 March 2008

President's Report 2008

Heinz Kleist reports as GCAA President for a 5th term.

Whether you are engaged in business, or president of an organization such as the GCAA every successful venture has a plan. There is a saying ”If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

In my previous terms as president our plans were to work on membership and teamwork within the framework of the member clubs from our furthest northern club Grande Prairie, to the furthest south in Medicine Hat. Communication was a challenge which we improved tremendously and finally raising the “profile” of the GCAA to the citizens of Edmonton, surrounding areas and the Province of Alberta with events such as televising the World Soccer Championships on Churchill Square 2006, and last September our 40th anniversary celebration with an Oktoberfest on the Square, highlighted with an Oktoberfest band, The Romeros from Kitchener.

What's next

This can be summed up in three words: programs & succession planning.
First, we have a number of successful programs that have been around for many years i.e. 
Heritage Festival, Seniorensonntag, German Days, and casinos etc.

However in our changing times we should explore other possibilities that are available and would benefit the German community at large throughout the province. I challenge the executive to meet with other ethnic groups to see what programs that they have which may also fit our organization. Explore government grants that may be available to fund such new ventures. Review the programs of our member organizations to see what works in their city, and may be done on a larger scale.

Succession planning

Every business can only succeed with proper succession planning and the same holds true for the GCAA. We just celebrated our 40th Anniversary in 2007 and if we are to continue for another 40 years we must start now. Everyone talks about getting new younger members on the executive to eventually take over.

Yes, we attract some but the times seemed to have changed and the reality appears to be the work schedule of many does not allow them to make a commitment to take on executive positions and the president's role. Perhaps the programs and new ideas of the younger folks are not being considered since we have always done things the same way and format for many years.

I challenge our executive as well as the executive of all the member organizations to seek out good candidates, who are interested in preserving the German culture & heritage. The time is now to get people involved to ensure continued success with our organization.

Unless we are successful in attracting the younger generation and have them step up to the plate and replace us, in 5 to 10 years the situation will be bleak, and organizations such as ours will disappear.

This would be a real insult to the Alberta German community, as people of German descent total approximately 600,000 or 15 % of Alberta’s population.

So, a properly executed succession plan is the responsibility of everyone, who is interested in preserving the German culture & heritage, the executive of the GCAA, and executives of the member clubs, private members and German people at large throughout the province of Alberta.  

In closing, I would like to thank all the executive, directors and volunteers who made 2007 a successful year. As we all know volunteers get very little credit but lots of abuse.

Thank You